About Us
We believe the right values shape each of us, and the world by extension. Additionally, a strong health and a prosperous wealth can bring fairness to everyone.
It seems a price worth fighting for.
Our Mission
Give people tools based on Science and Experience in order to make their lives better, whatever “better” means for them.
Our Way
Encourage Everyone to pave their own path, trying new ways to do and think, taking a pause to reflect first.
About me
This is me just before the most difficult hike of my life, that’s why I was still smiling. Anyways, I would do it again, as almost every difficult situation in which we force ourselves into. Unless it’s not self-imposed, that’s much more difficult, but working on the former might prepare you for the latter.
Hi, it’s Iñigo here, son, brother, partner, engineer, entrepreneur. I’ve researched for several years on different topics regarding health, productivity, and sustainability, and I would like to share them with anyone that might be interested.
I’m a firm believer that having the right values as a base, working on health (both physical and psychological) and having your financials in place will lead people to make better decisions in their lives. This eventually extends to everyone else; and the world needs fairness, so if you’re not willing to do this for you, do it for the people that you love.
How to do it? Dive into our pillars and choose the most relevant and urgent for you, and start form there.
Enjoy the ride, it’s your ride.